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Availability subject to state regulations.  Please contact us for more information.

Some states and accrediting organizations prohibit direct hiring arrangements.  Please check with the state or give us a call.

Candidate 5317


Job Experience:  20 years experience


English Fluency:  100%


Licenses:  NY CHHA


Availability:  Available live-in 5-7 days

DUTIES: laundry, shopping, cleaning, ironing, cooking, housekeeping,
ASSISTANCE: keeping company, going for a walk, dressing, personal hygiene, eating,
MENTAL STATUS: depressed, anxiety, confused, alzheimers, dementia,
MOBILITY: walker, wheel chair, bed bound, Paralyzed people,
ILLNESSES: cancer, diabetics, congestive heart failure, resperatory condition, high blood pressure, arthritis, stroke,
SURGERIES: hip replacement, knee replacement, pacemaker, amputeed, Broken Bones,
EQUIPMENT: reclaining chair, oxygen tank, oxygen concentrator, hoyer lift, hospital bed, shower chair, feeding tube, commode, urinal, catheter, bed pan, diaper, Sugar Level Monitoring Device, Insuline Injection Device,
DIET: regular, thickened liquids, blended, diabetic, low protein, low salt, allergic,
HYGIENE: tub bath, shower, bed bath, Sponge Bath,
Experience working with incontinent people,
Experience working with dentures,
Experience with Brushing Teeth,
Experience following a medication administration schedule,

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